The virtues and benefits of ‘salat’ and ‘salam’ – Part 5

How to perform Salat and Salam There is no single way of performing salat and salam. In fact, since the time of the Prophet ﷺ thousands of formulas of salat and salam have been composed. The various formulas of salat and salam include: Formulas taught by the Prophet ﷺ himselfFormulas composed by the SahabaFormulas composed by the Ulema and Awliya after the time of the Sahaba Formulas taught by the Prophet ﷺ himself There … Continue reading The virtues and benefits of ‘salat’ and ‘salam’ – Part 5

The virtues and benefits of ‘salat’ and ‘salam’ – Part 4

The virtues and benefits of salat and salam (continued) Enumerating the benefits of salawat is impossible since only Allah Most High knows the true extent of the rewards and benefits this noble act brings about for the reciter. Some of the famous benefits were mentioned in the previous post but now we will mention many … Continue reading The virtues and benefits of ‘salat’ and ‘salam’ – Part 4

The virtues and benefits of ‘salat’ and ‘salam’ – Part 3

The virtues and benefits of salat and salam It is impossible to fully enumerate the benefits of this immense and noble act of worship which Allah has commanded us to perform. Nonetheless the Ulema of Islam throughout the centuries have compiled books mentioning some of these benefits. One of the scholars recently did a search … Continue reading The virtues and benefits of ‘salat’ and ‘salam’ – Part 3

The virtues and benefits of salat and salam – Part 2

The legal ruling (hukm) of salat and salam Every action we do has a legal ruling in the sharia. Some actions are obligatory (fard) like the five daily prayers. Other actions are emphasised Sunnahs (Sunnah muakadah) like using the miswak during wudu or recommended (mustahab) like fasting on Mondays. Similarly, certain actions are disliked (makruh) … Continue reading The virtues and benefits of salat and salam – Part 2