Visions of the Beloved ﷺ Part 6: A Blessed Loaf of Bread

Imam Abu Bakr al-Minqari, Imam al-Tabarani and Imam Abu al-Shaykh once visited the holy city of Medina. Whilst there, they faced some difficulties so they went to the grave of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Imam Abu Bakr narrates the following: Myself, al-Tabarani and Abu al-Shaykh were in the sanctuary of the Messenger of Allah … Continue reading Visions of the Beloved ﷺ Part 6: A Blessed Loaf of Bread

The King who wished he could have helped the Prophet ﷺ

Qadi Iyad narrates the story of a Muslim king from Khurasan. His name was Amir ibn al-Layth but he was known as as-Safaar and he was famous for being one of their brave heroes1. After he passed away, he was seen by someone in a dream and he was asked: What happened to you? What … Continue reading The King who wished he could have helped the Prophet ﷺ